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I am a Software & AI Enthusiast who loves creating dynamic web experiences and fun, interactive 2D games. With 3 years of Python development and over 15 game projects under my belt, I bring creativity and logic together to solve problems and build cool stuff.
View My WorkA multiplayer shooter game with multiple levels, AI opponents, and power-ups. Created using Python and the Arcade library.
Inspired by steam I created and deployed a public gaming website featuring a collection of games. The platform has gained significant traction with growing user engagement and views.
IT Intern at Phoenix Systems, managing customer care, systems, and software. Working coworkers to imporve my skills and manage the company
Using a freelancing platform called fiverr, for about 1 year I freelanced in making custom games and any coding projects people had. Raising over hundreds of dollars.
Created and launched a successful gaming website that hosts various games and interactive content. The platform continues to grow with increasing user engagement and community interaction.
Entrepreneurial experience in managing operations, client relationships, and scaling services.
I am pursuing a Google Certification on AI Essentials, whilst trying to learn Machine Learning.
Currently developing my skills through Java by watching videos and creating mini projects.
Feel free to reach out to discuss projects, collaborations, or just to say hi!
Phone: 706-300-9505